Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Fun Weekend!

Tue, Nov 22

Well, not much has changed with you and I these past few day. I've been feeling pretty good. Right now you are making me feel the worst right after I shower :/ and right before bed, again :/ This past weekend was a fun filled one. Your dad turned 30 on Friday!!! It was a very nice day. We went out to lunch and then spent the rest of the afternoon and evening together. Saturday morning was a little rough. I was not feeling good at all and had to go take some family photos in the early AM. Saturday night we went to a wedding for a friend of your dads. We had a lot of fun. It was nice to get all dressed up (although you made my dress a little tighter then I would have liked) and have a nice evening with my favorite guy! Here is a picture from our night!
(6 weeks 2 days)
Then on Sunday we did the last of our birthday celebrating by going out to dinner with your Grandma and Grandpa Kundinger. We had Italian, YUM!!! Today I (well we ;)) worked in the coffee shop for the first half of the morning. There might have been a chocolate doughnut involved :)!!! Then we spent the rest of the day editing photos. Well, that about all thats going on for now. Oh, I did come up with a name today! But your dad didn't like it at all. Berkley. I really like it! I guess only time will tell ;)

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Pluggin' along

Thur, Nov 17

Yesterday was the first day that I actually felt like I might full on lose my breakfast! I volunteer at the coffee shop at church right now (well I guess now its "we" since you're always with me!) and I was not feeling good! An older gentleman came up to the register and started asking me about the soups of the day, mind you it was like 8am. Who wants soup at 8AM?! The soups were Green Split Pea and Chicken Chile. He wanted me to describe the Green Split Pea soup...I had a REALLY hard time not giving him my own version of "Green Soup" all over the counter. It was horrible. Then I actually had to serve it to him, YUCK! Luckily I have an iron clad stomach still and held it together, but it was rocky there for a minute. I felt pretty yucky for the rest of the day. I the idea of eating anything made me want to gag. Luckily today I am feeling great. No threat of sickness at all! Tomorrow is your dad's 30th Birthday! I can't believe he is going to be 30! Its crazy! But, I think thats the perfect age for him to become a dad! He is seriously going to be the best dad ever!!! You are one lucky Orange Seed as dad calls you :)

No changes yet

Mon, Nov 14

I know, its been almost a week since I've written but there really isn't anything new to report. I haven't had any cravings (although your dad says that my lack of cravings, since I usually crave things when I'm not pregnant, should be a sign) and I haven't really felt sick at all. Every once in awhile I fell a little yucky, but nothing too bad. Now, I'm not saying I want you to make me feel full on sick, but a little bit wouldn't be bad. I just want something to let me know the you are there and that your growing and that everything is good. Actually, and yes your dad thinks I'm CRAZY, I took another test just so I would know for sure you were still there. YOU ARE!!! I'm getting very excited for our first appointment! I can hardly wait!

P.S. Its getting SO hard not to tell everyone about you! Every time I talk to my friends I want to tell them about you!!!

It still doesn't seem real!

Tue, Nov 8

I'm still having a hard time believeing you are there! I've wanted you for so long and it still doesn't seem true that my dream has finally come true! We serve an AMAZING God! I have been talking to Him for a long time now about you! The "worried mom-ness" has already set in :( I want to make sure everything is normal and that I don't lose you! I made our first appointment for us to see the Dr. today! Your dad said he is going to come with us! YAY!!! It's scheduled for Tue, Nov 29th @ 1pm. I am REALLY hoping we get to see you! Right now I want to tell the whole world about you!!! Shout it from the roof top! BUT, your dad and I have decided to play it safe and keep it a secret for now. Just to be on the safe side. We are planning on telling family at Thanksgiving and everyone else will find out when they get there Christmas card this year. Although I will probably tell a few close friends after we see you at the Dr appointment ;) The Christmas card is going to be SO cute! Were going to find a pair of gender neutral shoes ( since were not sure if you are a he or a she yet) and take a picture of our feet lined up with your empty shoes. Its much cuter then it sounds, I promise!

P.S. - Today I told my best friend, Carolyn, about you! She is ecstatic!!! And dad says tomorrow he's going to tell his best friend, Ron or as I call him SBF, about you!

Best bet I've ever won!

Monday, Nov 7

Yesterday was the first day we were aware you were there! Your dad and I had a bet going over two things. One: Whether or not we had soy sauce at home. We did, I lost that one. And two: Whether or not I was pregnant with you. BEST bet I've ever won!!! We got up Sunday morning to get ready for church and I thought that was the perfect time to take a pregnancy test. I took it, waited 3 minutes and couldn't decide if it was positive or not. I thought it looked positive so I called your dad in for his opinion. After some deliberation and checking the instruction for what a positive could and should look like it was determined that you were there! I said, "Guess I won that bet!!!". Your dad looked at me and you know what he said, "I thought you would tell me in a cuter way!". Can you believe that!!! Oh man, that killed me! I had been thinking for awhile now of how I would tell him when t
his joyful day arrived. Maybe I would make him a dinner with all things baby (IE; baby carrots, baby bell cheeses...that's about all I had) or I could have Ellie Mae take the test into him and drop it at his feet....or I'm not sure but I was still working on it. But thinking back on it, I'm glad it worked out the way it did. We got to find out together and hug right away and be happy, and a little scared, together. Anyways, I'm pretty sure he still doesn't fully believe that you are on the way! We told Grandma and Grandpa Woodward and your Uncles first. We had Ellie Mae (our dog who you are going to love and be best friends with) wear a cute sign that said, "I'm going to be a Big Sister!". Silly, I know, but until you come along she's all we have (well and Patience the cat too, but she's not as fun):) Second we told Grandma and Grandpa Kundinger and Aunt Amy. Everyone is SO excited to meet you!
I also told your "Aunt" Hilary, but that's only because she prayed for you to make it here these last two weeks and also, I'm pretty sure she already knew something was up :)