Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Fun Weekend!

Tue, Nov 22

Well, not much has changed with you and I these past few day. I've been feeling pretty good. Right now you are making me feel the worst right after I shower :/ and right before bed, again :/ This past weekend was a fun filled one. Your dad turned 30 on Friday!!! It was a very nice day. We went out to lunch and then spent the rest of the afternoon and evening together. Saturday morning was a little rough. I was not feeling good at all and had to go take some family photos in the early AM. Saturday night we went to a wedding for a friend of your dads. We had a lot of fun. It was nice to get all dressed up (although you made my dress a little tighter then I would have liked) and have a nice evening with my favorite guy! Here is a picture from our night!
(6 weeks 2 days)
Then on Sunday we did the last of our birthday celebrating by going out to dinner with your Grandma and Grandpa Kundinger. We had Italian, YUM!!! Today I (well we ;)) worked in the coffee shop for the first half of the morning. There might have been a chocolate doughnut involved :)!!! Then we spent the rest of the day editing photos. Well, that about all thats going on for now. Oh, I did come up with a name today! But your dad didn't like it at all. Berkley. I really like it! I guess only time will tell ;)

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