Thursday, November 17, 2011

Best bet I've ever won!

Monday, Nov 7

Yesterday was the first day we were aware you were there! Your dad and I had a bet going over two things. One: Whether or not we had soy sauce at home. We did, I lost that one. And two: Whether or not I was pregnant with you. BEST bet I've ever won!!! We got up Sunday morning to get ready for church and I thought that was the perfect time to take a pregnancy test. I took it, waited 3 minutes and couldn't decide if it was positive or not. I thought it looked positive so I called your dad in for his opinion. After some deliberation and checking the instruction for what a positive could and should look like it was determined that you were there! I said, "Guess I won that bet!!!". Your dad looked at me and you know what he said, "I thought you would tell me in a cuter way!". Can you believe that!!! Oh man, that killed me! I had been thinking for awhile now of how I would tell him when t
his joyful day arrived. Maybe I would make him a dinner with all things baby (IE; baby carrots, baby bell cheeses...that's about all I had) or I could have Ellie Mae take the test into him and drop it at his feet....or I'm not sure but I was still working on it. But thinking back on it, I'm glad it worked out the way it did. We got to find out together and hug right away and be happy, and a little scared, together. Anyways, I'm pretty sure he still doesn't fully believe that you are on the way! We told Grandma and Grandpa Woodward and your Uncles first. We had Ellie Mae (our dog who you are going to love and be best friends with) wear a cute sign that said, "I'm going to be a Big Sister!". Silly, I know, but until you come along she's all we have (well and Patience the cat too, but she's not as fun):) Second we told Grandma and Grandpa Kundinger and Aunt Amy. Everyone is SO excited to meet you!
I also told your "Aunt" Hilary, but that's only because she prayed for you to make it here these last two weeks and also, I'm pretty sure she already knew something was up :)

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