Thursday, November 17, 2011

Pluggin' along

Thur, Nov 17

Yesterday was the first day that I actually felt like I might full on lose my breakfast! I volunteer at the coffee shop at church right now (well I guess now its "we" since you're always with me!) and I was not feeling good! An older gentleman came up to the register and started asking me about the soups of the day, mind you it was like 8am. Who wants soup at 8AM?! The soups were Green Split Pea and Chicken Chile. He wanted me to describe the Green Split Pea soup...I had a REALLY hard time not giving him my own version of "Green Soup" all over the counter. It was horrible. Then I actually had to serve it to him, YUCK! Luckily I have an iron clad stomach still and held it together, but it was rocky there for a minute. I felt pretty yucky for the rest of the day. I the idea of eating anything made me want to gag. Luckily today I am feeling great. No threat of sickness at all! Tomorrow is your dad's 30th Birthday! I can't believe he is going to be 30! Its crazy! But, I think thats the perfect age for him to become a dad! He is seriously going to be the best dad ever!!! You are one lucky Orange Seed as dad calls you :)

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